A Website for Information about Green and Sustainable Libraries
Green Libraries
Welcome to Green Libraries
Welcome to Green Libraries, a website dedicated to documenting the greening of libraries in North America. This site contains a growing list of libraries that are constructing green buildings. It also contains a list of resources to help people make their libraries more green and sustainable. There are currently 42 green libraries listed in the directory web pages.
Under the US Green Building Council's LEED performance system, a green building is one that is built incorporating the following design elements.
Builders choose those items that are appropriate for their project.
It is difficult to turn on the television or read a news story today without learning about how green and sustainable practices are being implemented throughout society. Libraries are not exempt from these broader trends. In some cases, libraries and librarians have been at the forefront of these efforts. Greening Libraries provides library professionals with a collection of articles and papers that serve as a portal to understanding a wide range of green and sustainable practices within libraries and the library profession.
Read a chapter online, The Public Library’s Role in the Transition Towns Movement by Monika Antonelli
To learn more about the Green Library Movement check out the online article, The Green Library Movement: An Overview and Beyond in the Electronic Green Journal, 1(27) at http://escholarship.org/uc/item/39d3v236
Copyright 2009 Monika Antonelli. All rights reserved.
Green Libraries